Analysis Of Work Accident Risk In Plywood Production Units Using Job Safety Analysis Method At Pt Intracawood Manufacturing Tarakan City




work accident risk, plywood, job safety analysis, mixed methods


Background: The plywood industry cannot be separated from work accidents, so efforts are needed to reduce the number of work accidents by carrying out work accident control programs, namely by implementing risk management. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the risk of work accidents in the plywood production unit using the Job Safety Analysis method.


Methods: This research is a Mixed Methods research with the research method used is the Sequential Explanatory Design method. Quantitative sampling was carried out by means of probability sampling with 175 respondents and qualitative sampling by taking 5 informants. The research instruments used interview sheets, Job Safety Analysis Worksheets and AS/NZS 4360:2004 as well as questionnaires and observation sheets. Quantitative data analysis using the Semi-Quantitative analysis method using the Job Safety Analysis Worksheet, qualitative data analysis using content analysis with source and method triangulation.


Results: The results of the study found that the hazards in the plywood production process included the work environment, the smell of glue and putty paint, the dangers of working tools such as machines. Based on the identification of potential hazards, a risk analysis is carried out on the rotary work unit, there are 2 work steps with a substantial risk level and 6 work steps with a priority 3 risk level. 1 work step with a risk level of the Priority 3 category and 3 work steps with an Acceptable category risk level.


Conclusion: There are several work accidents that are caused by the workers themselves and the work environment. so that control recommendations are given such as making SOPs, providing PPE, conducting training for each work step and providing signs or installing safety signs in places that might cause accidents.


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How to Cite

Rezkyana, Naiem, M. F., Wahyu, A., Saleh, L. M., Ansariadi, Amqam, H., & Mallongi, A. (2024). Analysis Of Work Accident Risk In Plywood Production Units Using Job Safety Analysis Method At Pt Intracawood Manufacturing Tarakan City. Journal of Law and Sustainable Development, 12(1), e2167.

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