


authentic deed, notary, responsibilities


Purpose: This research endeavors to investigate the obligations of notaries in their capacity as officials endowed with the power to authenticate deeds. These obligations consist of ethical, administrative, civil, and criminal, duties.


Theoretical Framework: Notaries have obligations as public officials. Indeed, a notary bears accountability not only to his fellow professionals but also to clients and members of the public who require his services by legal regulations and societal interests.


Method: This research is descriptive and the type of research is normative juridical. This research uses secondary data derived from primary sources, such as journals and secondary sources, namely the Internet and books


Results: The findings indicated that notaries must fundamentally adhere to the Notary Position Law and the Notary Code of Ethics when performing their duties and positions. This ensures that the notary always follows the procedures outlined in the Notary Position Law and Code of Ethics, thereby providing legal certainty to the parties involved in the deed. For each task that their clients entrust to them, notaries take full responsibility. There are always matters that accompany each occupation and become its responsibility.


Conclusions: The Notary Position Law specifies that if a notary commits an offence while performing his or her duties and responsibilities, the notary may be held accountable and punished through administrative, civil, and ethical sanctions. The Notary Position Regulation, the Notary Position Law, and the Notary Code of Ethics previously governed criminal sanctions against notaries, but these sanctions are no longer subject to legal regulation. Punishments for criminal offenses against notaries may be enforced by the provisions of the Criminal Code.


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How to Cite

Kamran, M., Zainuddin, Rahman, S., & Pawennei, M. (2024). NOTARY’S RESPONSIBILITY IN THE EXERCISE OF AUTHORITY AS AN AUTHENTIC DEED OFFICIAL. Journal of Law and Sustainable Development, 12(4), e3342.

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