Maneuvering of Digital Transformation: Role of Artificial Intelligence in Empowering Leadership - An Empirical Overview




digital transformation, organization, artificial intelligence, empowering leadership


Purpose: Digital transformation introduces businesses to the risks of changing strategic initiatives and adapting to technological advances such as AI (AI). AI is expected to revolutionize the future workforce. This study examines how Artificial intelligence Empowering Leadership.


Theoretical framework:  The examination and quantitative method were used to develop a research design. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from companies’ leaders that used AI systems to empower their Leadership. Companies have increased empowering their employees as necessary in today's business environment. The role of Leadership has shifted in tandem with the trend-forward into organizational empowerment.


Design/methodology/approach:  The study sample consisted of all 150 leaders, chosen by random sampling. The current study was conducted using a quantitative methodology. To achieve the study's objectives, the researcher created a questionnaire with (10) items divided into three categories: usage of AI, Leadership oriented questions and demographics.


Findings: The results of the literature analysis are used to develop the questionnaire. The main participants in this study were the leaders of the organization.


Research, Practical & Social implications:  According to interviews, empowering Leadership, specifically autonomy and innovation assistance, is beneficial in navigating AI-induced change.


Originality/value: The value of the study to expected to revolutionize the future workforce by exploring the role of AI in empowering leadership.


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How to Cite

Abasaheb, S. A., & Subashini, R. (2023). Maneuvering of Digital Transformation: Role of Artificial Intelligence in Empowering Leadership - An Empirical Overview. Journal of Law and Sustainable Development, 11(9), e1667.