Internet of Things Performance Evaluation from Three Decades in Education


  • Budi Jatmiko
  • Binar Kurnia Prahani
  • Hanandita Veda Saphira
  • Parno
  • Joko Siswanto
  • Rizki Fitri Rahima Uulaa



education, IoT, learning equipment, mobile learning, teaching


Objective: This research tends to find the complete opportunity, novelties, and state-of-the-art for further researchers to make an easier way to conduct research in IoT, especially in educational fields worldwide.


Method: This research is bibliometric and employs qualitative analysis. Based on the review and analysis of the IoT in the educational field, it is concluded that in the range year of three-decade IoT publications.


Results: The exciting results are that the publication trends tend to increase yearly. Future research can use IoT throughout every educational institution and analyze the impact. In the fewer keywords, the research opportunities are the development of learning techniques and the emergence of the IoT as a learning system. Other keywords are used to find novelties and recommend the implementation, development, upgrade, installation, or further research. Researchers may identify the critical study paths of researchers in each set era, the issues most important to Scopus' IoT, and the researchers responsible for the most significant influence. As a result, it also aids in narrowing down the future trends that may be established in these domains of study.


Conclusion: The research opportunities are developing learning techniques and the emergence of the IoT as a learning system. Other keywords are used to find novelties and recommend the implementation, development, upgrade, installation, or further research.


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How to Cite

Jatmiko, B., Prahani, B. K., Saphira, H. V., Parno, Siswanto, J., & Uulaa, R. F. R. (2023). Internet of Things Performance Evaluation from Three Decades in Education. Journal of Law and Sustainable Development, 11(8), e1500.